Hi Dolls!! Valentines day is in a couple of weeks, so I figured some of you ladies might be toying with what to wear for that special day. Here are some outfits choices i would choose depending on the type of date I was going on. Outfit 1, would be for my single ladies who are opting for a night with some friends, its sexy and casual at the same time. This look is definitely for that daring girl. Outfit 2, is for the wifeys like myself, this would be a something I would wear out with the hubby for dinner. Outfit 3, is so versatile and can be worn to a club, dinner or party. Outfit 4, is the most glam of all looks, this is for those first vday girls, everyone knows the 1st valentines day with the boyfriend is the most special, this look is a look he will never forget. I hope this post helps to inspire some Valentine's day looks.

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